
My Hope was Revived

Posted 2 years ago - May 20, 2022

From: admin admin

Over 20 years ago, as a single mom doing my best to navigate through the storms of my then teenage daughter, I reached out to KSBJ for prayer. The voice on the other end of the phone was that still soft voice I needed. That night my hope was revived. During those struggles, God would point me to the cross. I would imagine how Jesus endured the pain of the cross for God’s people. My daughter is now 36 with two beautiful blessings! I’m very grateful for the support that KSBJ offers me every single day. Especially on those days that I need to hear the love of God speaking to me. Thanks to each of you at KSBJ! Rachelle and Carder start my mornings off with a smile.

– Michelle

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admin admin

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